WAVES 2025 – Peppermill, Reno Nevada (July 6th – 9th, 2025)
*Sessions count toward the VA’s SCO Annual Training Requirement and will be available to certify via the SCO Training Portal post-conference.
Tuscany Tower Registration Desk
Conference Opening & Welcome | Jason T. Garcia, WAVES President
Tuscany Ballroom
Posting of the Colors | Nevada Veterans Coalition, Honor Guard
Star-Spangled Banner & Salute to the Armed Forces | the Sierra High Notes
Pledge of Allegiance | Darcy Schnuth, WAVES 1st Vice President
Introductions: WAVES Board, VA & SAA Presenters, & Visit Reno Tahoe
Break & Resource Fair
Tuscany Tower
(Breakout Sessions – Select one to attend)
New SCO Training* | Presenter TBD
Location TBD
Advanced SCO Training* | Presenter TBD
Location TBD
Certification Process for NCD’s* | Presenter TBD
Location TBD
Lunch Provided
Location TBD
SCO Central “A Community for SCOs” (General Session) | Heather DeSpain
Tuscany Ballroom A-C
Teambuilding Activity – Movie Trivia | Danielle West
Location TBD (Snacks Served 6:45pm – 7:15pm)
Tuscany Tower Registration Desk
Breakfast Refreshments
Location TBD
Students Veterans of America (General Session) | Jared Lyons, SVA National President and CEO
Tuscany Ballroom
Break & Resource Fair
Tuscany Tower
VA Central Office Q&A (General Session) | Kenneth Smith, Acting Executive Director
Tuscany Ballroom
Lunch On Your Own
(Breakout Sessions – Select one to attend)
Topic TBD | Presenter TBD
Location TBD
Topic TBD | Presenter TBD
Location TBD
Topic TBD | Presenter TBD
Location TBD
Refreshment Break & Resource Fair
Tuscany Tower
(Breakout Sessions – Select one to attend)
Topic TBD | Presenter TBD
Location TBD
Topic TBD | Presenter TBD
Location TBD
Topic TBD | Presenter TBD
Location TBD
President’s Dinner & Awards Ceremony | Jason T. Garcia
Location TBD
WAVES Business Meeting – Jason T. Garcia, WAVES President (General Session)
Tuscany Ballroom
Debt Management Center* (General Session) | Julie Lawrence, Chief of Operations, Treasury, Education, External Resources
Tuscany Ballroom
(Breakout Sessions – Select one to attend)
Topic TBD | Presenter TBD
Location TBD
Topic TBD | Presenter TBD
Location TBD
Topic TBD | Presenter TBD
Location TBD
Refreshment Break
(Breakout Sessions – Select one to attend)
Topic TBD | Presenter TBD
Location TBD
Topic TBD | Presenter TBD
Location TBD
Topic TBD | Presenter TBD
Location TBD