2022 WAVES Business Meeting Minutes

July 20, 2022

Tracy Copeland, WAVES President called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m. (PST)

Secretary’s Report:

Tracy Copeland announced minutes from the 2021 business meeting are available on the WAVES website.

Treasure’s Report:

Tracy Copeland announced Treasurer report from 2021 business meeting are available on the WAVES website.

Old Business: NONE

New Business:

Tracy Copeland informed membership as to why National Training Team presented sessions virtually. WAVES will no longer have ELR support during conferences. Vicki Henson, Cameron University suggested a survey be sent to the membership regarding the issues with not having ELR’s attend our conference. We need to make our voices heard as to what certifying officials need. Tracy Copeland will assist new board members with creating survey to be presented to National Training Team.

The executive board is actively engaged in planning a location for the 2023 conference. Location will be announced at later date.

Elections for new officers was conducted by Tracy Copeland.

2022-2024 Officers elected

Chris Henthorn, UC Riverside, President 

Jason Garcia, Coding Dojo, First Vice President 

Darcy Schnuth, UEI College, Second Vice President 

Keshaneoco Johnson, Southern University at New Orleans, Secretary 

Emily Hayter, Oklahoma State University, Treasurer 

Veronica Griego, Alamo College, Member at Large IHL 

Firdaus Yusuf, UEI College, Member at Large NCD 

Awards were presented to the following

Bill Pearson 

Jared Lyon, Student Veterans of America

President’s Award 

Paula Barnes, Oklahoma State University 

Cindy Watts, The University of Tulsa 

Tracy Copeland made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Vicki Henson seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m. PST.

Prepared by: 


Cindy Watts 
WAVES Secretary

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