Our Mission

To serve School Certifying Officials (SCOs) by promoting professional standards, ethical practices, and collaboration with government partners. WAVES aims to enhance Veteran Education Services by unifying all stakeholders in the exchange of knowledge and best practices that support our military-affiliate learners.

Our Vision and Core Values >>>

Here is what
WAVES strives to promote and achieve

Professional Standards

Promote high professional standards, policies, and ethical practices among members.

Serve the needs

Serve the needs and interests of veterans, faculties and administrators in the member institutions.

Mutual Interests

Represent the mutual interests of the membership on matters coming before the organization.

Interchange of Ideas

Provide a forum to facilitate the interchange of ideas and information.

Foster Communication

Foster communication and cooperation between all concerned and interested institutions and agencies on matters affecting the education of veterans and other eligible persons.

Coordination Services

Provide advisory liaison and coordinating services regarding educational programs affecting in-services military personnel.
Get in Touch

Jason T. Garcia
WAVES President
Associate Director, School Certifying Officials
National University

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